Coles County Arts Council
Promoting the Arts in Coles County Since 1984

This public exhibition showcasing the work of Coles County Arts Council member artists was held in the main floor galleries of the Link Art Gallery in Paris, Illinois. An Opening Reception with light refreshments was held Friday, September 3, 2021, from 5:00 – 6:30 pm.

Terry Coulton
Violinist; private instruction available

Haley Fryer
Voice, Piano, and Flute Lessons

Paul Hinson
Great Highland Bagpipe and Scottish small pipe performance and instruction. Individual or small group lessons available.

Theresa Miller
101 East Curtis R oad
Savoy, IL 61874
(lessons offered once a week in Charleston)
P: 217-276-0777
W: theresemillerstudio.com
Facebook: Therese Miller Music Studio
Violin lessons incorporate methods of Suzuki, Paul Rolland and Mimi Zweig. Piano classes are based off of Faber lesson books.
Studio recitals are held twice per semester.

Sandy Ernst Piano Studio
Piano, private lessons

Charles Hughes
Contact Info:
Instrumentalist in Old Musical Instruments, member of Charleston Consort

Julia Degler Whitmore
Contact Info:

Charleston Community Band
Contact Info: Ginger Stansfield, Director

East Central Chorale
Contact Info:eastcentralilchorale@gmail.com
Mixed Community Chorus under the direction of Juliane Sharp

Elaine Fine
2408 Terrace Lane
Charleston, IL 61920
Cell: 217-549-5781
Violin, Viola;and recorder lessons. String Quartet performances for concerts, weddings and other celebrations.

Elizabeth Halbe
Contact Info:

Jeri Matteson Hughes
Contact Info:
Instrumentalist in Old Musical Instruments, member of Charleston Consort

Kyla Zastrow
3401 Oak Avenue
Mattoon, IL
Private Piano instruction

Coles County Barbershop Chorus
Contact Info: Tim Woodall, Director